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Thanksgiving Safety Tips for Homeowners This Year

By November 3, 2023November 29th, 2023No Comments

As Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and busy with all the planning and preparation for the big feast.  With the extra entertaining and visiting with friends and family, it’s easy to get distracted and forget about safety at holiday time.  To help provide peace of mind, we’ve pulled together some safety tips listed below to follow and prep your home this holiday.        


Not Hosting Thanksgiving This Year?

If plans are to travel and be a great distance away for any length of time, take measures to keep your home safe while you’re gone. Ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your home and get your mail until your return.  Deliveries and mail piling up are a sure way for burglars to know you’re not around. Another clue thieves look for are social media posts that indicate you’re away. Wait until you’re back home to post those photos! It might be worth installing a security system or at minimum some exterior lights with motion sensors that will help ward off anyone with sticky fingers and bad intentions. 


Preparing Your Home for Visitors

Before anyone arrives or any cooking begins, there are steps to take to prevent accidents and injuries while guests are on your property.  The first is to test smoke alarms making sure they are functioning properly. Additionally, clear pathways of any hazards that may cause someone to trip, steer children away from hot stoves or fireplaces and keep the outside of your home hazard-free. More on that here: Preparing Your Home For Fall Weather 


The Best Meals are Prepared without Injury 

Practicing safe habits in the kitchen is important year-round, but especially during holiday time. It seems everyone tends to gather in the kitchen making it a busier and more crowded space. In addition to more people, there are increased cooking utensils and equipment around than normal too. Keep the handles of your pots and pans turned toward the center of the stove to prevent someone from getting injured.  Make sure sharp knives, other dangerous utensils, extension cords, and crockpots or chafing dishes are pushed back and out of the way of small children.  With all the extra distractions, remember to turn off your oven and burners too.  


If You Must Deep Fry Your Bird

According to the National Fire Protection Association, deep fryer fires are the second most common type of fires on Thanksgiving. The safest way to deep fry is outside away from flammable materials and do not leave it unattended. In the event of a fire, you’ll want to make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy and know how to properly use it. 


Serving Alcoholic Beverages 

Be mindful of those who are drinking alcohol in your home on Thanksgiving. Not only should everyone be of legal drinking age, but it’s important that nobody leave and drive impaired. In fact, it is wise to monitor alcohol intake even for those who are not driving. Alcohol-related injuries are some of the most common reasons for emergency room visits on holidays.


Ensure You Are Adequately Covered in Case of an Accident


Make sure you’re sufficiently protected in the event of an accident. Despite our best efforts to avoid every injury, accidents can still happen. That’s why they’re called accidents. These safety tips are designed to minimize the risk of accidents and ensure a delightful holiday for friends and family. Now is an opportune moment to get in touch with McConkey and verify that your homeowner’s insurance policy provides adequate coverage and protection. Our agents are prepared to examine your policy, identify any potential gaps in coverage, and potentially help you save money as well!


Wishing you a happy and safe holiday!

McConkey Insurance and Benefits

Insurance & Benefits 717-755-9266

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