Business InsuranceConstruction Keeping Employees Safe in Extreme Heat Driving to work this week cranking the AC, I was thinking about the sweltering heat that we are all experiencing…McConkey Insurance and BenefitsJuly 19, 2019
Business InsuranceConstruction Negotiating Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation Requirements in Subcontract Agreements – Part 2 of 2 Construction is a specialized industry that poses substantial risks to everyone involved in it. Contractors need to partner with an…Tim Ziegler, CRISJuly 10, 2019
Business InsuranceConstruction Negotiating Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation Requirements in Subcontract Agreements – Part 1 of 2 Construction is a specialized industry that poses substantial risks to everyone involved in it. Contractors need to partner with an…Tim Ziegler, CRISJune 10, 2019
Business InsuranceConstruction Construction Commentary – Case Study #3: Whose fault doesn’t matter. Contract language does. Construction is a specialized industry that poses substantial risks to everyone involved in it. Contractors need to partner with an…Tim Ziegler, CRISApril 15, 2019
Business InsuranceConstruction Electronic Data Liability Coverage – What Contractors Need to Know If you’re a contractor, you likely know that your General Liability insurance policy will often provide coverage for bodily injury…McConkey Insurance and BenefitsApril 11, 2019
Construction Construction Commentary – Managing Your Risks and Protecting your Business: Case Study #2 Many general contractors rely on the indemnification and additional insured provisions in their subcontract agreement to manage their risk, but…Tim Ziegler, CRISMarch 5, 2019
Construction Construction Commentary – Managing Your Risks and Protecting Your Business: Case Study #1 Many general contractors rely on the indemnification and additional insured provisions in their subcontract agreement to manage their risk, but…Tim Ziegler, CRISFebruary 5, 2019
Business InsuranceConstructionSpecialty Insurance Best Practices for Equipment Leases By: Ronald Pollock, Esq., Chair of the Construction Law Group, Saxton & Stump Equipment leases are an important element in…Tim Ziegler, CRISJanuary 3, 2019
Business InsuranceConstructionSpecialty Insurance Managing Subcontractor Insurance Requirements Under the New AIA Agreement – Part 2 So you’ve implemented the 2017 version of the AIA agreement and one of your subcontractors has marked up the Insurance…Tim Ziegler, CRISJanuary 2, 2019
ConstructionSafety Top 5 Causes of Ladder-Related Injuries (And How to Prevent Them!) From step stools to large extension ladders, every step matters, so make sure you put the right foot forward! Ladder…Steve McCartyMarch 20, 2018